Friday, August 5, 2011

New Artwork

   I've been struggling for the past few months or so to draw like I really wanted to.  I've drawn here and there, and been busy with other things as well, and in one way or another, whether artist's block or just being busy, I haven't done too much lately. 
  Well, today's been good, and hopefully it will be good from here on out.  I've got alot accomplished with a first version of a logo, and a quick sketch of a girl that I just imagined from out of the blue. Will do more on both, I'm sure tomorrow, and maybe even more artwork as well! It's good to be back in the swing of things drawing again, after how well today went! :-)

Here's the logo that I designed today. It's just the first version, but maybe it's what he's looking for.

I was just a little bored, and decided to draw a rough sketch of a girl out of my imagination.  I may work some more on this sketch tomorrow and possibly add some color to the drawing, as well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dis-Engaged! ;-) Engines at Sub-light Speed!

   "Dis-Engaged!"  No, it's not something Captain Picard would say on Star Trek: The Next Generation!  Although, if I had warp engines and phasers on stun, it would've helped me out of the situation alot quicker~~not to mention having a transporter handy! However, my engines are at sub-light speed, and looking for a new course heading. Can you tell I try to handle my problems with a sense of humor and make a joke out of them?  LOL  Yes, humor helps me relax, and not worry so much about the problem, usually, and then I can handle the problem alot easier, and quicker. Making a joke also helps to make a problem not seem as bad as it is, so you definitely deal with it better~at least in my case! :-)
   Not really sure where to begin. "Start at the beginning," they say"! ... ... ... Well, I was born in Columbus, Georgia, and raised in a small country town of Colquitt, Georgia, in Southwest Georgia. Oh! Not that far back, huh?  I know it's an old joke but I had to use it.
  I do want to try to be nice, and keep it as simple as I can.  Basically, I broke off the engagement with Amber.  Everything was going great for about six weeks, and then everything blew up, from out of nowhere, and she was angry all the time, and I couldn't figure why, and then she cheated on me the last two weeks, which a few of my friends, who are very dependable,  witnessed her doing so.  "So, that as they say, is 'that!,'" to quote an old saying and to quote Catherine Hicks on Star Trek: The Voyage Home!  I got the $3,500 one carat diamond ring back, among other things, in great shape~got my money back for the ring; changed email accounts, blocked her on Facebook, changed the locks on my door, and then changed everything else she might have got hold of.  Among part of the disasters in the reasons I called off the engagement, other than the obvious cheating on me, was she had told lies to me about friends being mad, making me mad at them, wondering why they were mad at me, and us, and finding other ways to make my friends disappear and losing touch with them, behind my back. This is basically all I'll talk about online. None of this whole blog is in any way the detail of what went on, just a hint of what happened.  There were some things happening the last two weeks that I found out she does and wanted to do that would make your skin crawl, and to put it nicely, dating a zombie would've been less painful the last two weeks.  At least if you date a zombie, there's hopes of being eaten, and although it's a painful death, you know the end is coming and you won't suffer anymore, because you will be dead, slowly, and eventually! ~~I didn't even have hopes of that the last two weeks we dated, and were engaged. LOL  ~~Sorry about the morbid humor, but it fits. Again, I can't tell the details. The last two weeks her personality changed, and unfortunately, she was like a black widow. Again, I'm just trying to describe the situation, not trying to put Amber down in any way.  Just trying to let you know how much she changed, and again, this is all putting it mildly.  Then, to top it off, she cheated on me with a guy I was a little acquainted with, barely, unfortunately, who never bathes, and probably hasn't bathed in a month, and when he touches his sleeves or any of his clothes, dust flies like a you just opened a mummy's tomb, who is also older than her dad, can't afford to feed himself, much less Amber, and take care of her, whose house looks like Pig Pen's on Charlie Brown, can barely put a sentence together, and all of this is the facts about him, not exaggerating, believe it or not!  Again, he's not a friend, just someone I met, and even she barely knew him.  Roadkill on the movie Rango at least gets a bath when it rains. I don't even think he bothers to do that.  Again, as funny as it sounds, these are just the facts about the guy.  It really puzzles me why she cheated on me with him. Bad enough to cheat, much less with someone like that. It's almost comical and unbelieveable that she cheated on me with someone like that!~Bad enough to cheat on me!
  Again, I got out of this unscathed, and not a scratch on me, well at least in most ways I didn't have a scratch on me. God just protected me, and several things that could've gone wrong, didn't go wrong at all.  He was watching over me, and tons of people were praying for me in this situation. Again, all of this is just scratching the surface, and the real truth is like a Stephen King novel, only this time the novel ends really well, at least for me. In all my years dating girls, I never, ever have had anything this drastic happen in two weeks, that would make your skin crawl, or even come close.  All the girls I've dated have been great, and even the relationships ended great, as good as they could anyway, except for Amber and my ex-wife, Pam, in Georgia, many years ago. Believe it or not, in the last two weeks and the month following after I broke off the engagement, Amber's breakup was worse by far. I treated her like gold, but she cheated on me anyway.  Fortunately, out of all the girls I've dated, those are the only two who've cheated on me.
  So, I'm looking for a new course heading, now. Eventually, I will be looking for another girl to date. I haven't given up on the ladies. Most I've dated have been fine, and fortunately they are all different. :-)  I made the excuse of focusing on my career for a few years or so, not to date, but even my friends back home knew that wasn't like me, since I'm around girls all the time. They encouraged me to get out and date, and within a week I was back dating again. One thing for sure, as good as it was for those six weeks, I know I want to get back out there and date again. I hadn't realized what all I was missing those few years, in dating girls, until Amber and I started dating. So, no more focusing on my career. If anything, there will be a balance of career and dating in my life, but not giving up dating. If anything, I will be dating more, like I used to. After this latest dating experience, I feel like I've been chopped up by Edward Scissorshands, but I came through it and the old James/Jim is back! :-)  Still, those first six weeks were amazing, and I definitely want to get back into dating, and continue dating, because with the right girl, those six weeks I'm sure would have been more awesome, and would continue to grow, as our relationship grew stronger. I know there's hope! The right girl is out there for me somewhere! :-)  I've just got to find the right one and beam her up! :-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Engaged: Meeting Amber! :-)

   Yeah, it's hard to believe that I'm engaged when for the past 5 years, I've proclaimed myself as the Eternal Bachelor! :-)  No complaints about being engaged to the most beautiful lady that I know, though~in fact, I'm excited! :-)  It's just funny how life happens that way, and sneaks up on you when you least expect and changes all of your plans! LOL  Trust me, dating and being engaged is far more important in my life now than I ever thought it would be.  My fiancee', Amber Goff, still picks on me about it taking me 3-1/2 years of her chasing me, to finally notice her.  Of course I deserve all of those jokes, after that much time before I came around and asked her out! :-)  I don't deserve her, though, and fortunate to have her in so many ways! :-)  It's a miracle that she even still gave me the time of day after all that time, and for that reason, alone, I don't deserve to be engaged to her, much less other reasons. :-)  Still, she gave me the time of day, and I asked her to date, and here we are! :-)
   Well, we first met at church, 3-1/2 years ago, when both of us were volunteering on camera for TV Production, and from the time I saw her face, her eyes, and her hair, I was attracted to her~much less her personality! She loves to joke around as much as I do, if not more! :-)  So, those of you who know me, with our personalities being that much alike, we hit it off pretty well.  I would look forward to her coming in and both of us working the same camera crew in the mornings, and then she would give me a "love punch" with her fist on my shoulder, and laugh at my jokes! :-)  So, we had so much fun then, and I thought she was very beautiful! :-)  Her dad even told me, when he saw the way she gazed at me the first time we met, and the way I looked at her, that he knew I was going to be his future son-in-law! :-)  That's how well Amber and I hit it off from the beginning! :-)
   Now, if you get technical, we didn't meet at our church, for the first time.  We actually met several times in Albuquerque, at Walmart, coffee shops, car shows, and even The Frontier restaurant a few times, before then.  One time, at The Frontier, I was showing my ex-room-mate, Duane, how easy it is to talk to girls, if he would just be himself, and Amber happened to be behind me in line, and I turned to her and started talking to her, and didn't know her at the time.  Later, on another visit to The Frontier, Duane and I were going over the script and the storyboard art that I drew for a short film, we were filming, and this beautiful blonde with a feather in her hair, walks in and sits down.  I couldn't take my eyes off of her! First of all, she was beautiful, and second, not many blondes wear a feather in their hair, and my jaw dropped!  I thought I was dreaming! :-)  Well, she remembered me from talking to her in line, and she was with two guys at the time, and the two guys sat on the opposite side of her when she sat down.  Now, that I thought was strange! A beautiful girl and two guys it in the chair OPPOSITE of her! Crazy, was what I was thinking!  I couldn't figure this out for the life of me!  I wanted to go over and say Hi and talk to her, but I couldn't figure out the two guys! This was driving me batty, and my room-mate even noticed.  He wondered why I didn't go ahead and talk to her  I told him, normally I would, but she was with two guys, and I couldn't figure out if she was with one guy who sat opposite of her, and the other was tagging along, or if she wasn't with a guy at all, and they sat opposite of her for that reason.  It sort of looked like she wasn't with any of those guys, but I couldn't be sure.  Come to find out, she spotted me, and remembered seeing me before, and asked those two friends of hers to sit on the opposite side, hoping I would come up and talk to her.  She saw that once she sat down, again, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, sitting at the table across from us! :-)
   Even then, that wasn't the first time we met.  She remembered seeing me in Knoxville, Tennessee at the Walmart, and she and I noticed each other then, and hit it off pretty well, too! :-)  Of course that time was just before I moved from Knoxville to Albuquerque! :-)  I was also a manager of a fine art department in an arts and crafts store there, too, and she remembered seeing me there, as well! :-)
   Soooooo, if you get technical, Amber and I have known each other for some time, now, and then 3-1/2 years ago, was when we got to know each other better, and hit if off well, as friends! :-)  Now, she's my BEST friend, the girl of my dreams, the girl that I love, and looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her! :-)  I love you, Amber! :-)
   Hope you enjoyed the story! :-)  There's more to it, and I'll write more about it later! :-)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Newest Pirate

  Well, here's the newest pirate drawing. They wanted something a little more simplified, and sent me a drawing that was copyrighted, and I drew my version of a much simpler drawing than what she sent me. So, from their cartoon, I drew this one, in the same style but totally different in the way it looks! :-) 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pirate T-shirt Designs

  Funny thing: Just fiinished watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the minute I finished workiing on designs for a pirate T-shirt.  Sometimes when I draw and paint I will watch movies and listen to music related to what I'm drawing. My brother's wife, Cassie, needed a design for a Relay for Life that her place where she works is doing for the American Cancer Society, and she asked if I would draw something for her. Both of these are done with the Wacom Tablet to save time, drawing and coloring straight into the computer, with Corel PainterXI and Photoshop CS3 Professional Suite.

A Basic design for a T-shirt for my brother's wife.

A second design that I made. Had to keep it all simple for the colors to show up well on a T-shirt.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Girl and Car Concept Art

   Here's a copy of a rough pen and ink sketch of a girl and a car that I was doing for a short film idea a friend of mine had about six years ago.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Concept Logo Design

  I've been working on a logo for a friend, who just started his own business. This is just some concept art, but will have the final art, pretty soon. This is just to get the idea on paper~well digital paper, that is~so I can see which direction I need to go, and what changes he wants, as well.

    Above, is the 2nd concept that I drew for the cartoon logo. It was the first of the drawings that started me in what I thought might be a possible direction to go with it.

  After finding a decent concept to start in a rough sketch, I redrew it again, and the result was this 3rd drawing, above.  It still has possibilities, and far from a refined finish, but it also gives me more ideas for a better drawing that will have better lines, and start to look like a cartoon logo should.  This is only two of the steps. Will continue to work on the logo in the computer and drawing with the Wacom tablet. It's so much faster doing concept and final art for things like this in the Wacom Tablet, and no scanning needed to transfer to the computer. Will update again, as soon as I get closer to the final design.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Time

   I was watching "Little House on the Prairie," yesterday, and the episode, "The Race," and it brings back good memories.  I can remember a lot that was going on back home, and how we would all sit together, as a family and watch television, together.
    When this show came out, we would usually all sit together and say a prayer over our meal, and then eat our supper, together, sitting at the table.  My Mama would cook dinner every evening, and it was usually ready by 5:30pm, the minute my Daddy walked through the door, after getting off work.  We'd all eat together, and my parents would ask each other how their day went, and my Daddy would usually tell a joke or two that would get me and my brother laughing.  We had a small rectangle kitchen table, at the time, and a very nice, large dining table, that we only used when we had company,  or alot of our family over, o, r the pastor over, after church, for Sunday dinner.  We always saved our best for our guests that came over, and always wanted to save our best to serve them.  Sometimes, though, we have such a huge family, that we would use all the fine china and everyday dishes to serve when everyone came over~~or my Mama had a choir party, as she did on occasion, and would serve with everything we had.  Everyone always went away more than full, and always had leftovers.  Even when we ate, daily, after my Daddy came home from work, we would still have leftovers, most of the time.  God really blessed us and still continues to bless our family.
   After dinner, my Daddy would sit in his recliner, in the big den, we had just added on to our house, not so long ago.  My brother and I would either go do our homework,  or if we didn't have any, we'd play outside until it got close to dark.  Sometimes, we'd stay inside, and shoot pool on the billiards table that my Daddy got when he added on to the house.  I also had a dart board across from the pool table and would often throw darts, looking into the den, waiting for the evening of television shows to come on.  Sometimes, just as it was cooling off, in the evening, we'd water the flowers in the garden around the house, so that the plants would get the most of the water that they could.  After dinner, we'd always feed the dogs.  My Daddy raised hunting dogs, and bird dogs, and we would go feed them.  Lots of times we just fed them scraps from the table. Nobody was picky about feeding dogs only dog food.  We did feed them dog food, but often tried to feed them the good scraps from the table, picking out any bones that were too small, that might choke them, first.  The dogs were always happy to get scraps, after dinner! :-) 
   If it was the season, we'd often turn on the sprinkers to water the garden, and take a separate water hose to water the tomatoes and peppers.  My Daddy made the sprinkler system himself, to water our huge garden out back.  He always built lots of things himself, and always fixed most anything.  He still does all of that, too!  Even before the addition to the house, we'd still do pretty much the same thing after dinner, except shoot pool and play darts.  Sometimes, my brother would be riding his bike around the yard, or down the road, and I'd usually be sitting somewhere with a sketch pad, or blank sheet of any paper that was at hand, and draw.  Lots of times, I'd watch television and draw all at the same time, until time to go to bed. Whether we worked or played, we were all together as a family.  My Daddy's always had a good sense of humor, and would always make us laugh with his jokes.  Back then, with no cable television nor internet, we entertained ourselves, and people seemed to always find the fun side of things in our family.  I was very fortunate to have such a huge and fun family while growing up. 
   Everyone knew everyone in town, and if you mentioned whose boy you were, they'd usually have something good to say about my parents and the rest of my family. Lots of people don't believe how things are down south, but in lots of ways, it's still that way now. People care, are considerate, and most wouldn't harm a hair on your head.  No matter where I lived in the south, as I grew up, those values still followed in every state that we lived in. As I got older, family time seemed to get less and less as we got more and more busy.  The family values still stayed, though, and each family cared about other families, even though you didn't know them.  Everyone was always nice to each other, in every state, would even wave or smile at you in passing, even if you didn't know them.  Even now, in the south, people wave at each other in the car as they pass each other on the road, and you don't even know that person.  Most every body cares and really does have that southern hospitality.  None of that, to this day has changed.
   After dinner, closer to time when the evening of television would start, we'd ask what everybody wanted to see.  We had one large television, and would sometimes take turns watching a show one week, and a different one on the same day the next.  Most of the time we pretty much liked the same thing, and all of us were anxious to watch the show together.  We had plenty of chairs to sit in and a couch, to watch television, but sometimes me and my brother would sit on the floor.  There were no remote controls for the television, so we'd sit in the floor to be closer to the knob that turns the channel on the television.  That way we could turn it quicker if my Daddy wanted to change the channel. This was before cable or internet.  We had one large colored television set, that was enclosed in decorative wood, and looked almost like a piece of furniture. It has a huge round channel knob that you would turn to change the channels.  We may have picked up four or five channels, and they were from the larger towns around that had television stations. We would look at the TV Guide or the local newspaper to see what was coming on that night. On Sunday evenings, we'd sometimes rush home from church to see The Wonderful World of Disney on television, too. We didn't want to miss seeing a family show like that, together. They were always good.
    After eating dinner and all of us doing all those things above, we would spend that evening together, as a family.  The show we wanted to watch would come on and we'd all get in our places in chairs and on the floor, or at the bar, and watch it.  Shows like Adam-12, Gunsmoke, Perry Mason, Ironsides, Mannix, The High Chapparal, Bonanza, Daniel Boone, The Rockford Files, Hawaii 5-0, and later on M*A*S*H, Magnum P.I., Little House on the Prairie. All of the shows would have their morals, and base their morals on the Bible, and the few that didn't, spoke of the Bible in a respectful way.  Lots of times preachers and the Bible would play important parts in an episode, and hearing the characters pray to God was nothing unusual.  Nobody thought anything was wrong with that, either. Our nation's morals are based on the Bible, so no one ever said anything.  It was the normal thing. People who didn't believe in the Bible, or praying, still respected it, and would often apologize for their actions, in life, and on the television program.  But everyone respected each other, regardless.  These were your neighbors, and you always wanted to help them out, because you knew their family, and you might need their help, too, one day.  It was not unusual to see the families spending good times together in the movies and television shows at the time. Nothing interfered with family. 
   I remember when Hawaii 5-0 first came out.  It was my favorite show that season! It originally started out as McGarrett, in black and white, but they moved his character and started this series in color, Hawaii 5-0.  I only remember Hawaii 5-0, though! :-)  I loved the show and the theme song! The theme song became a hit and was played on radio stations a lot.  The only thing was, I could only stay up and watch half of the show, because I had to be in bed by 9:30pm, in order to go to school the next day.  That was my bedtime, at that age, growing up.  Still, watching even half of the show was still great!
   Then, on weekends, I'd get to stay up later, and would often see the late news, and after the late news, by midnight, all television stations had a sign-off.  They would play The Star Spangled Banner on every station, a few minutes before midnight, and show a video of fighter jets, the American flag, and patriotic scenes, and then after the last note was played, the station would show a screen of television technical frequencies, etc, and then you would hear a high pitched long beep, that seemed to last forever.  Then the whole station was black on the screen.  Every station was that way.  Nothing was on.  There was a saying, that after the television sign off, you should be in bed, because there's nothing good you can do after midnight. You only get in trouble.  That saying was true.  We even rolled up the sidewalks in our town. Nothing was open. Nothing to do.  If you were out, you were most likely up to no good and getting in trouble.  Most businesses closed at 5:30pm or so, to allow you to get home and spend time with family.
    Where has family time gone?!  We are so busy with other things, the family time like I grew up with seems almost like something imagined out of a Norman Rockwell painting or a family television show during the '70's.  We'll, it's not imagined.  In some areas in the south, despite the technology, families still get some of their time together, but not as much as it used to be back when I was growing up.  For the most part, family time is gone, everywhere, and nobody spends time enjoying each other all evening like we used to.  What I wrote above is not some fantasy.  Things were much slower, and you could take time and enjoy your family every evening, on a daily basis. Today, that's interrupted by smart phones, email, texting, iPods, etc.  Sometimes, on the weekends, we'd even all get together for dinner at one of my aunt's and uncle's houses and play the guitars and sing, and laugh, and have so much fun, as a family.  We'd make homemade ice cream, several churns at a time, and enjoy talking and playing games.  Everyone would sit outside on the porch, that usually spanned one side of the house, and relax in the evenings.  Listening to the birds, and just listening to the wind rustle the leaves, or watch a slow rain all evening long, and relax. Those are the times that I miss.  Families had so much fun together.  As much as I love technology, I do wish there could be times like those again. You can't beat the sounds of laughter and conversation of a family enjoying each other with their daily family time!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wacom Drawing of Girl

      Here's another rough sketch of a girl. Drew this with the Wacom tablet, as well. Still working on trying to get as good with the Wacom as my usual pen and ink, or watercolor art. I'm getting there, but it just takes time. :-)
       Step 2 of adding color, painting the girl. I'll probably add a few more layers of color, then will start to add the details and highlights next. :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ceramic Pirate

     This was a pirate that I did in ceramics/art class in 10th grade in high school.  Our mascot is the Pirates, at the school that I went to, and we were the Miller County Pirates! We still are! :-)  I remember when I did this, I didn't want the pirate to look like he had new clothes on, but wanted them to look tattered, and worn, a little. Most were painting their pirate as if it had new clothes, but I wanted something closer to being more realistic.  Star Wars had come out at the theaters and was the first science fiction movie, at the time, to introduce old, battle-worn spaceships. I loved this movie, and it changed my artwork in so many ways, that even my pirate, I began to look at in another way. I've been a collector of pirate things ever since I lived in Miller County! :-)  I've even got a real sword, now, that is a replica pirate cutlass. This is why I am crazy over pirates things, and when Pirates of the Caribbean the movies came out I collected all of that stuff, too, and still do.  I even collected the old skeleton pirate models of the original Pirates of the Caribbean Disney ride, and built them. I love ceramics, sculpting, painting, drawing, and most any media.  This is my favorite piece I painted for ceramics, though! :-)  Arrrrrgggggh! :-)

                                  Here's the full view of the same pirate ceramic piece, above! :-) 

    Well, I didn't quite finish what I was drawing tonight, but maybe I'll have it finished tomorrow, and will post it then.  Thanks for taking time to look at my blog! :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Girl, Rough Sketch

      A rough sketch that I did in a few minutes on the Wacom tablet.  Was just scribbling and this is some girl that I made up out of the blue.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dr. Seuss' Birthday! ;-)

          A window that I painted for Christmas, for a friend of mine, of the Grinch.

   Dr. Seuss was born, today, March 2, 1904. He was one of the most talented artists, and creator of children's books with his own unique style.  As an artist, myself, he has inspired me in all kinds of ways with my own artwork.  As an artist, you are only limited by your imagination, and you an take it anywhere, and twist reality in many ways to make things that you, yourself, wonder where they came from.  My talent is a gift from God, and I don't care how a scientist or medical person tries to explain how you do a talent~you can't.  You can mimic in all kinds of ways, artwork~but it is God who give a person talented in such a way, that gift. There is no way I can take credit for my talents~especially art.  I can't even explain where I begin, but God gives me the gift. There's no scientific way to explain talents you are born with. Dr. Seuss, with his art, is such an example, that it is hard to explain how his mind worked. He created wild worlds for kids to explore, and relate. The animals and people in his books look similar to us, but they are not human~nor are his animals real animals. His imagination has taken kids and adults everywhere, and taught morals, and educated along the way.
   Something about artists, they never really grow up.  They may act mature in lots of ways, but they are almost always a child at heart. I'm sure Dr. Seuss never really grew up.  I was given advice, when helping to illustrate a children's book, myself:  If you really want to write a good children's book and illustrate it well, draw and write something that you'll enjoy, yourself.  Don't draw and write specifically for that age group, or you will mess up every time. Draw and write something that is dear to your heart, that you would love to read, and look at the pictures, and you will have a best-selling children's book every single time. Draw and write it from the heart.
   If you look at all the popular artists and writers who have done children's books and things children will love, this statement is true.  Dr. Seuss was drawing characters he loved, and poetry that was his style, and eventually he captured the hearts of kids around the world. He still does. Charles Schultz, A.A. Milne, Roald Dahl, James Howe, Beverly Cleary, and many others, just drew and wrote things that they enjoyed themselves, and kids everywhere still love their books and movies.
  Just reading a Dr. Seuss book makes your imagination run wild! If you have artist's block, reading one of his books opens your imagination, no matter what your style of art is. Yes, I still read Dr. Seuss books, still read the comics page, buy comic books now and then, watch Saturday morning cartoons, and occasionally will pick up a good children's book to read.  Am I crazy? No, not really. It's the adults who write and draw the children's books, cartoons, etc. If it weren't for adults doing this, there would be no children's literature nor Saturday morning cartoons.  Dr. Seuss paved the way for writers and artist's today.  He really took us where no man, nor child has gone before, and we loved it!
  So, stop doing what you are doing. Download a good children's book from your childhood, that you enjoyed, on your Kindle, iPad, or just go buy the book again in a bookstore somewhere. Look at all the things you used to enjoy, and enjoy them again. It's alright. If you enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with it. It at least made you smile. It will probably even bring back a good memory or two. It doesn't make you any less of an adult by doing that. After all, it was written by an adult. Go buy The Cat in the Hat, or Green Eggs and Ham, or How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and enjoy them again, in a new way. Begin to dream again!  I'm sure Dr. Seuss wrote his books for young and old, alike, so that they could laugh, and always keep on dreaming!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Few More Pieces of Art

     A watercolor sketch of a faerie, a work in progress. Pen lines are showing on the sketch paper, and starting to add details to finish it up.

    A friend of mine's son, who loves to play basketball, and loves the Fantastic 4.  I did a caricature of him as Mr. Fantastic. This is the final piece of art on bristol board with pen and marker.
      A cartoon based on another friend of mine who loves Winnie the Pooh. This cartoon was done with a Pilot ball-point pen and markers.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Peekaboo Wacom Sketch

  Misty's dog, Peekaboo. House-sitting for them and decided to do a sketch of Peekaboo. I decided to sketch her, with the Wacom Tablet and Corel Painter, so I could do a digital painting of her later on. This is just a quick sketch to show me the values needed to paint her. This way I have something to build on, and layer to make a good painting at a later date. This is mainly for my reference and a rough sketch. :-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jack Sparrow Painting

   A mixed media drawing and painting of Jack Sparrow that I did, based on the photo of Jack Sparrow on the left. The art on the right started out with a Pilot ball-point pen, then a flesh-colored marker. Later I added details with a flair marker, watercolor and acrylic paints, and metallic paints.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Art Test

   Before I start uploading any major art or photos, I wanted to do a little test and see how some of my artwork looks on the blog. Still experimenting with the blog, and seeing what possibilities I can do, and I do have upload these graphics to get an idea how it would come across on a blog page. Just a little experiment. If it looks well, then I'll try to see what all I can do to manipulate and put more art and photos on the blog. Hope you enjoy the art.

A pen and marker rough sketch of a girl I made up.

A mural that I did in Southwest Georgia.

A computer graphic sketch of a  beagle puppy that I drew with my Wacom Tablet straight into the computer.

Well, that's it for testing out how the artwork looks on a page! Will see about doing more in the future. :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Film and Media Day

  Film and Media Day is going on right now. There's still a couple of hours left for the casting calls, but the whole thing is open until 4:00pm, today. They will be doing casting calls for The Avengers new movie that will be filming soon in New Mexico, Breaking Bad, and other films and series.
   You can go to for all the details.

   I'm not going to be able to make it due to work, but there will be other casting calls.  This day will be a little different than most because alot of major directors, special effects people, actors, etc, will be there to teach you how to do things such as makeup, how to be an extra or stand-in, and various other things. Check out the site, and if you live locally, hopefully you will go, or you are already there! Have fun!  :-)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spiderman Wears a TuTu! :(

   Okay, I love comics~especially Marvel comics! :-)  I guess it's part of being a guy that you buy so many of them growing up! Being an artist didn't help matters, either, when wanting to learn to draw like my favorite comic artists. I've followed all of the comic book based movies and TV series since the '70's even though the technology wasn't there to do it right, like it is today! :-)  I even watched the poorly made Spiderman on The Electric Company, and it was good for a laugh, but hey, you're reaching young kids here, and it made kids want to learn morals and use of different words in vocabulary. The Saturday morning cartoons of Spiderman were pretty good, even with the corny jokes Spiderman would say, and I tolerated the '80's version of the the Spiderman live action TV series. I prided myself on being so knowledgeable of Spiderman while I was growing up, and soon got to where I could draw him pretty good, without a picture to go by.  I even like the new versions of movies related to Marvel comic book heroes, for the most part~some better than others, and some are done extremely well! :-)  You watch alot and do alot for one of your favorite comic book heroes, hoping to find that one chance they will do it right, like in the comics.
   Well, just when I was having respect for the comic book, television, and movie industry for doing such a great job, for the most part, on how their heroes were depicted on the screen~ then I hear a rumor:  Spiderman is on Broadway. NO! It can't be! Please tell me this is some warped tale by an extemely bored journalist! Please! :(   It can't be true! :(  Then, I found out it was true. Then, I found out it premiered last month.  I was speechless for what they had done to one of my favorite comic heroes, and wanted to go beat up whoever was responsible. Pathetic! What were they thinking???! They weren't! I can see it now, "Spiderman does The Sound of Music!"; "Spiderman vs.'Cats!'"; "'The King and I' and 'Spiderman!'"  Whoever does the marketing for Spiderman on this deal should lose their job! Star Trek wouldn't do Broadway! Star Wars wouldn't do Broadway! Batman wouldnt do Broadway! ~Certain genres just don't belong on Broadway, and I love Broadway! :-)  Camelot, West Side Story, Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Oklahoma, South Pacific, The Sound of Music, etc, those BELONG on Broadway~~NOT Spiderman! :(   Critics are hating it; it's having a bad run, so bad that it's the joke and punchline of Broadway; it's had tons of problems, including injuries, setbacks, etc.  It's been plagued by nothing but problems since it began! Pull it already! Spiderman is dancing and singing! He might as well do a ballet and wearing a  TuTu!  Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin might as well learn to do the Polka while you're at it.  Spiderman has gone from a great super hero to the laughing stock of heroes. Please, get this crazy show off Broadway before it does more harm to the character we grew up with! ~~It's a good thing they're doing a new series of movies that are darker and bolder with Spiderman at the theaters, soon! He's going to have to do something to come back from this pitiful mess he's in now! Even the Electric Company Spiderman wasn't this bad!
   Sure, I know it's just a made-up comic book character. But if this keeps up, we'll see Iron Man on Broadway, too, and then others, and I don't think the fans could stand it. Scratch it off as a bad idea, like the New Coca-cola was, and start all over, again, with the Original Coca-cola Classic of Spiderman. I'm pleading for you to do this! The world is pleading for you to do this! Give Spiderman his respect back and stop his song and dance routine. Spiderman will have to keep his mask on to save face, if this doesn't change, and even then, he make still be a laughing stock from here on out, of super heroes.  I'm still in disbelief of all of this. I have one word to summarize the whole idea of Spiderman on Broadway:  "Stupid."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here K.I.T.T.Y. Kat! :-)

   So, as many of you know, 2 Sundays ago my car died on me.  I had it for 3 years and it was running great the day before. Fluids and everything were fine. Then it barely made it home from church that Sunday. Well, I took it to the shop and they said, it would cost $1,100 to fix it with the framework, axle, and everything~but the engine was fine. Well, it was an '89 Toyota Camry and it was great while I had it, but I knew I'd be looking for a new car this year anyway. It caught me by surprise, so I wasn't really prepared to go out and buy another car. All I wanted was 4 wheels to be able to drive somewhere and get to work.
   Well, it turned out better than I thought. We were looking at a 2005 Ford Focus and the bank was taking it's time approving a car that old.  They asked if I wanted to try a newer 2009 Focus they had on the lot.  I said,"Sure!" :-) 
   The 2005 was loaded, but this 2009 was loaded and had the new body style with the wide wheel base like the new Mustangs and electronic gadgets galore! I'm a tech, and I work currently in Television Production doing anything from running cable, working on projectors, computer work, video editing, staging, lighting and sound, etc.  So, you'd think I'd be up to date on things.  Well, I had no idea! :-)  I'm way behind on gadgets and tech when it comes to cars. My '89 Camry had nothing as a gadget on it. This one has everything! :-)
   Well, the first time I got in the car to drive it any long distance, I was in for a surprise.  They had paired my phone with the car so I can talk through the steering wheel and speakers, and bookoos of other things.  The car is STILL surprising me! :-)
   Halfway out the parking lot of the dealer I hear a voice (a lady's voice!) saying, "Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call.", that kept repeating itself. My thumb accidently hit the right button on the steering wheel to answer the phone. The salesman, who was awesome during the whole process said, "Hey, James, are you there!"  I had already jumped from the female voice as it came over the speakers and it scared me to death. Then I was still speechless when the salesman came on. I said, " Uhhhhhhh... ... ...yes?!"  He laughed and said for me to take my time, I'd get the hang of it. He was just reminding me to give him a call before I came to visit the dealership the following Friday, as I left, and wanted to thank me.  Then he said I was in for a surprise with all the gadgets and I could tweek them online. That was good. I love gadgets! I always loved the James Bond movies and all the gadgets and tried making replicas growing up! :-)
   I'll tell more stories about how my car has caught me by surprise, later on. It made me think of The Transformers ~and how I needed to learn more about this car quick, before it got up and walked away on it's own.  LOL  I also thought of Knight Rider and how the car talks back~only in a lady's voice with mine! :-)  See, I told you I was behind on car gadgets and their tech! LOL  I'm still learning! :-)  One of my friends, when I said the car reminded me of K.I.T.T. on Knight Rider, said I should name it K.I.T.T.Y Kat, since it talked to me in a lady's voice and had a mind of it's own.  I am considering naming it that! :-)  I love my car, in fact, it's awesome, but it will scare me to death, driving, listening to the radio, and a woman's voice interrupts and says, "Say a command!" :-)  ~~~Okaaaaay! :-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Blarrrg!

  What is "The Blarrrg!?"  Well, I was trying to think of what my blog was going to be about.  I like so many things, and do so many things, so coming up with what I will do the blog about and it's name was pretty tough. I wanted to do an art blog, tech blog, cooking blog, just-for-fun-posting blog, special effects and film-making blog, history blog, etc.  Well, you get the idea! LOL  The possibilities were endless.
  So, I was just messing around with nonsensical words and out of the blue, with blog in my mind, the word "blarg" came out. What's that? I don't know, but I liked it. Blarg. First thing I thought of was Hagar the Horrible coming home for dinner and his wife, Helga is asking him how his latest raid went, and he probably said something like, "Blarg!" That could be bad, but funny! Then I thought, well, I can use blarg to represent all kinds of things. Maybe be a blog that's a smorgasbord of everything above. Maybe that's what it could mean. Then I thought, it sounds good but it needs more feeling. So, I thought, "Blarrrg!" Much better! :-) Say it three times and it sounds like something Monty Python would say! "Blarrrg! Blarrrg! Blarrrg!"  It could be Charlie Brown got his tongue tangled as he tried to kick the football as Lucy was holding it, and instead of, "Arrrgh!" it came out, "Blarrg!" Now, this was getting interesting! :-)  For that matter it could be a blog for pirates! "Blarrrg!" :-)
   With that frame of thought in mind, although it was a bunch of nonsense, I figured out the title and how I would handle the blog. What I will try to do is include all I listed above, in the blog, and just post it off the top of my head. Art, recipes, movies, news, just my thoughts of the day in general, special effects, tech, etc.  Pretty much any subject and be "blarrged."  Blarrrg works with your imagination, too. It can include some of my art, sketches, crazy drawings and photos, and pretty much anything goes.  I'll try to keep the feel of it light, even if I post a tech blog. It's just for fun, and this blog is only limited by my imagination and yours. I hope that even if you don't have much of an imagination, some of my descriptions, drawings, and sayings open it up for you.  If you do have a good imagination, or a wild one like I do, I hope it's good for a laugh!
   I wanted to have some art on the first blog post from "Blarrrg" but it didn't work out that way this week. Too much in working on basic design with my schedule this week. My next blog will change that though.
  Well, welcome to "The Blarrrg!"  Hope you like it and come back often! :-)  I mean, with a name like "The Blarrrg", it's worth a peek now and then just out of curiousity to see what crazy thing I'm saying or drawing! :-)  Got to run, for now! Thanks for reading! :-)
  Hope to see you next blog~~or should I say "Blarrrg!" :-)