Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spiderman Wears a TuTu! :(

   Okay, I love comics~especially Marvel comics! :-)  I guess it's part of being a guy that you buy so many of them growing up! Being an artist didn't help matters, either, when wanting to learn to draw like my favorite comic artists. I've followed all of the comic book based movies and TV series since the '70's even though the technology wasn't there to do it right, like it is today! :-)  I even watched the poorly made Spiderman on The Electric Company, and it was good for a laugh, but hey, you're reaching young kids here, and it made kids want to learn morals and use of different words in vocabulary. The Saturday morning cartoons of Spiderman were pretty good, even with the corny jokes Spiderman would say, and I tolerated the '80's version of the the Spiderman live action TV series. I prided myself on being so knowledgeable of Spiderman while I was growing up, and soon got to where I could draw him pretty good, without a picture to go by.  I even like the new versions of movies related to Marvel comic book heroes, for the most part~some better than others, and some are done extremely well! :-)  You watch alot and do alot for one of your favorite comic book heroes, hoping to find that one chance they will do it right, like in the comics.
   Well, just when I was having respect for the comic book, television, and movie industry for doing such a great job, for the most part, on how their heroes were depicted on the screen~ then I hear a rumor:  Spiderman is on Broadway. NO! It can't be! Please tell me this is some warped tale by an extemely bored journalist! Please! :(   It can't be true! :(  Then, I found out it was true. Then, I found out it premiered last month.  I was speechless for what they had done to one of my favorite comic heroes, and wanted to go beat up whoever was responsible. Pathetic! What were they thinking???! They weren't! I can see it now, "Spiderman does The Sound of Music!"; "Spiderman vs.'Cats!'"; "'The King and I' and 'Spiderman!'"  Whoever does the marketing for Spiderman on this deal should lose their job! Star Trek wouldn't do Broadway! Star Wars wouldn't do Broadway! Batman wouldnt do Broadway! ~Certain genres just don't belong on Broadway, and I love Broadway! :-)  Camelot, West Side Story, Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Oklahoma, South Pacific, The Sound of Music, etc, those BELONG on Broadway~~NOT Spiderman! :(   Critics are hating it; it's having a bad run, so bad that it's the joke and punchline of Broadway; it's had tons of problems, including injuries, setbacks, etc.  It's been plagued by nothing but problems since it began! Pull it already! Spiderman is dancing and singing! He might as well do a ballet and wearing a  TuTu!  Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin might as well learn to do the Polka while you're at it.  Spiderman has gone from a great super hero to the laughing stock of heroes. Please, get this crazy show off Broadway before it does more harm to the character we grew up with! ~~It's a good thing they're doing a new series of movies that are darker and bolder with Spiderman at the theaters, soon! He's going to have to do something to come back from this pitiful mess he's in now! Even the Electric Company Spiderman wasn't this bad!
   Sure, I know it's just a made-up comic book character. But if this keeps up, we'll see Iron Man on Broadway, too, and then others, and I don't think the fans could stand it. Scratch it off as a bad idea, like the New Coca-cola was, and start all over, again, with the Original Coca-cola Classic of Spiderman. I'm pleading for you to do this! The world is pleading for you to do this! Give Spiderman his respect back and stop his song and dance routine. Spiderman will have to keep his mask on to save face, if this doesn't change, and even then, he make still be a laughing stock from here on out, of super heroes.  I'm still in disbelief of all of this. I have one word to summarize the whole idea of Spiderman on Broadway:  "Stupid."


  1. Jim, this is hilarious! You are a great comic writer! I'd love to see you draw and color Spiderman in a tutu...I'll be that would sell.

  2. LOL Thanks, Mrs. Judy. :-) I may draw that pretty soon. :-) I love to write, as well as draw. Don't know how good I'd be at writing, but I love it, too, and love to read others who write, as well. I love reading things you write, too, Mrs. Judy! You are an awesome writer! :-) I'm sure you're going to do well with all the books you write! :-) I may give writing a book, a try. My cousins have been after me to write and draw for a book, too. Will have to see. Thanks, again, and glad it made you smile! :-)
