Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Blarrrg!

  What is "The Blarrrg!?"  Well, I was trying to think of what my blog was going to be about.  I like so many things, and do so many things, so coming up with what I will do the blog about and it's name was pretty tough. I wanted to do an art blog, tech blog, cooking blog, just-for-fun-posting blog, special effects and film-making blog, history blog, etc.  Well, you get the idea! LOL  The possibilities were endless.
  So, I was just messing around with nonsensical words and out of the blue, with blog in my mind, the word "blarg" came out. What's that? I don't know, but I liked it. Blarg. First thing I thought of was Hagar the Horrible coming home for dinner and his wife, Helga is asking him how his latest raid went, and he probably said something like, "Blarg!" That could be bad, but funny! Then I thought, well, I can use blarg to represent all kinds of things. Maybe be a blog that's a smorgasbord of everything above. Maybe that's what it could mean. Then I thought, it sounds good but it needs more feeling. So, I thought, "Blarrrg!" Much better! :-) Say it three times and it sounds like something Monty Python would say! "Blarrrg! Blarrrg! Blarrrg!"  It could be Charlie Brown got his tongue tangled as he tried to kick the football as Lucy was holding it, and instead of, "Arrrgh!" it came out, "Blarrg!" Now, this was getting interesting! :-)  For that matter it could be a blog for pirates! "Blarrrg!" :-)
   With that frame of thought in mind, although it was a bunch of nonsense, I figured out the title and how I would handle the blog. What I will try to do is include all I listed above, in the blog, and just post it off the top of my head. Art, recipes, movies, news, just my thoughts of the day in general, special effects, tech, etc.  Pretty much any subject and be "blarrged."  Blarrrg works with your imagination, too. It can include some of my art, sketches, crazy drawings and photos, and pretty much anything goes.  I'll try to keep the feel of it light, even if I post a tech blog. It's just for fun, and this blog is only limited by my imagination and yours. I hope that even if you don't have much of an imagination, some of my descriptions, drawings, and sayings open it up for you.  If you do have a good imagination, or a wild one like I do, I hope it's good for a laugh!
   I wanted to have some art on the first blog post from "Blarrrg" but it didn't work out that way this week. Too much in working on basic design with my schedule this week. My next blog will change that though.
  Well, welcome to "The Blarrrg!"  Hope you like it and come back often! :-)  I mean, with a name like "The Blarrrg", it's worth a peek now and then just out of curiousity to see what crazy thing I'm saying or drawing! :-)  Got to run, for now! Thanks for reading! :-)
  Hope to see you next blog~~or should I say "Blarrrg!" :-)

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