Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here K.I.T.T.Y. Kat! :-)

   So, as many of you know, 2 Sundays ago my car died on me.  I had it for 3 years and it was running great the day before. Fluids and everything were fine. Then it barely made it home from church that Sunday. Well, I took it to the shop and they said, it would cost $1,100 to fix it with the framework, axle, and everything~but the engine was fine. Well, it was an '89 Toyota Camry and it was great while I had it, but I knew I'd be looking for a new car this year anyway. It caught me by surprise, so I wasn't really prepared to go out and buy another car. All I wanted was 4 wheels to be able to drive somewhere and get to work.
   Well, it turned out better than I thought. We were looking at a 2005 Ford Focus and the bank was taking it's time approving a car that old.  They asked if I wanted to try a newer 2009 Focus they had on the lot.  I said,"Sure!" :-) 
   The 2005 was loaded, but this 2009 was loaded and had the new body style with the wide wheel base like the new Mustangs and electronic gadgets galore! I'm a tech, and I work currently in Television Production doing anything from running cable, working on projectors, computer work, video editing, staging, lighting and sound, etc.  So, you'd think I'd be up to date on things.  Well, I had no idea! :-)  I'm way behind on gadgets and tech when it comes to cars. My '89 Camry had nothing as a gadget on it. This one has everything! :-)
   Well, the first time I got in the car to drive it any long distance, I was in for a surprise.  They had paired my phone with the car so I can talk through the steering wheel and speakers, and bookoos of other things.  The car is STILL surprising me! :-)
   Halfway out the parking lot of the dealer I hear a voice (a lady's voice!) saying, "Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call.", that kept repeating itself. My thumb accidently hit the right button on the steering wheel to answer the phone. The salesman, who was awesome during the whole process said, "Hey, James, are you there!"  I had already jumped from the female voice as it came over the speakers and it scared me to death. Then I was still speechless when the salesman came on. I said, " Uhhhhhhh... ... ...yes?!"  He laughed and said for me to take my time, I'd get the hang of it. He was just reminding me to give him a call before I came to visit the dealership the following Friday, as I left, and wanted to thank me.  Then he said I was in for a surprise with all the gadgets and I could tweek them online. That was good. I love gadgets! I always loved the James Bond movies and all the gadgets and tried making replicas growing up! :-)
   I'll tell more stories about how my car has caught me by surprise, later on. It made me think of The Transformers ~and how I needed to learn more about this car quick, before it got up and walked away on it's own.  LOL  I also thought of Knight Rider and how the car talks back~only in a lady's voice with mine! :-)  See, I told you I was behind on car gadgets and their tech! LOL  I'm still learning! :-)  One of my friends, when I said the car reminded me of K.I.T.T. on Knight Rider, said I should name it K.I.T.T.Y Kat, since it talked to me in a lady's voice and had a mind of it's own.  I am considering naming it that! :-)  I love my car, in fact, it's awesome, but it will scare me to death, driving, listening to the radio, and a woman's voice interrupts and says, "Say a command!" :-)  ~~~Okaaaaay! :-)

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