Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pirate T-shirt Designs

  Funny thing: Just fiinished watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the minute I finished workiing on designs for a pirate T-shirt.  Sometimes when I draw and paint I will watch movies and listen to music related to what I'm drawing. My brother's wife, Cassie, needed a design for a Relay for Life that her place where she works is doing for the American Cancer Society, and she asked if I would draw something for her. Both of these are done with the Wacom Tablet to save time, drawing and coloring straight into the computer, with Corel PainterXI and Photoshop CS3 Professional Suite.

A Basic design for a T-shirt for my brother's wife.

A second design that I made. Had to keep it all simple for the colors to show up well on a T-shirt.

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