Sunday, April 3, 2011

Concept Logo Design

  I've been working on a logo for a friend, who just started his own business. This is just some concept art, but will have the final art, pretty soon. This is just to get the idea on paper~well digital paper, that is~so I can see which direction I need to go, and what changes he wants, as well.

    Above, is the 2nd concept that I drew for the cartoon logo. It was the first of the drawings that started me in what I thought might be a possible direction to go with it.

  After finding a decent concept to start in a rough sketch, I redrew it again, and the result was this 3rd drawing, above.  It still has possibilities, and far from a refined finish, but it also gives me more ideas for a better drawing that will have better lines, and start to look like a cartoon logo should.  This is only two of the steps. Will continue to work on the logo in the computer and drawing with the Wacom tablet. It's so much faster doing concept and final art for things like this in the Wacom Tablet, and no scanning needed to transfer to the computer. Will update again, as soon as I get closer to the final design.


  1. Its looking really good.

  2. Thanks, Nate! ;-) Hope to finish it soon! :-)

  3. Looking Really good. cant wait to see the final product. I like the idea of having the tag with Nate Dawg on it. Color is really going to make it look good. Blue would make a good collar.
