Friday, August 5, 2011

New Artwork

   I've been struggling for the past few months or so to draw like I really wanted to.  I've drawn here and there, and been busy with other things as well, and in one way or another, whether artist's block or just being busy, I haven't done too much lately. 
  Well, today's been good, and hopefully it will be good from here on out.  I've got alot accomplished with a first version of a logo, and a quick sketch of a girl that I just imagined from out of the blue. Will do more on both, I'm sure tomorrow, and maybe even more artwork as well! It's good to be back in the swing of things drawing again, after how well today went! :-)

Here's the logo that I designed today. It's just the first version, but maybe it's what he's looking for.

I was just a little bored, and decided to draw a rough sketch of a girl out of my imagination.  I may work some more on this sketch tomorrow and possibly add some color to the drawing, as well.